    Michael Fielden Photography

    I’ve been taking pictures for a very, very long time. Film, Polaroid, digital… you name it, and I’ve tried it out. Even today when most everything I shoot is digital, I still play around with an old Polaroid Land Camera to create a look that no digital impression can replicate. There is just something special…

    Agent Headshots.com

    AgentHeadshots.com is about more than just a quality, professional headshot for real estate agents, business professionals, and models / actors / actresses. It’s about a new way of producing photographic headshots in a timely, consistent and quality way that delivers outstanding results every single time. It started with a vision and is quickly becoming the…

    Profiles of Hope – Photography

    There are so many different things that I can say about the Profiles of Hope project, it’s difficult to even know where to begin. It was a volunteer opportunity I found through Craigslist.org; someone looking for a photographer. When I first talked to Madeleine Horn, the Profiles of Hope founder, she told me it was…